There are a few thousand spiders which are found in Australia, yet worldwide there are just short of 40,000 species of spiders.
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There are a few thousand spiders which are found in Australia, yet worldwide there are just short of 40,000 species of spiders.
Rats and mice are more than just a nuisance, they cause damage and carry diseases.
Everyone knows that cockroaches are known for spreading diseases. They are also associated with various other health risks.
Subterranean termites or 'white-ants' are a highly destructive timber pest, causing major structural timber damage. They are a big problem in North West NSW.
Rats can carry as many as 70 diseases, their feeding habits are destructive and they nest in many parts of an infested building.
There are many different species of problem cockroaches that are common to Australia, the German, the American and the Oriental cockroach.
Ants are generally found in the ground, in wood or under rocks, although ants can also nest in walls, fireplaces, under paths and in buildings.
Bed bugs feed on our blood at night when we are asleep and can cause swelling, skin irritation and allergic reactions in some people.
A large variety of spiders are found throughout NSW, the most common being the Redback, Funnelweb and the White-tailed spiders.
Fleas are external parasites, living off the blood of mammals and birds, the most well-known are those fleas are found on cats and dogs. Fleas can travel with you unless you have them under control.
The most concerning of all wasps is the European Wasp, it has yellow and black body stripes and defend their nests fiercely in summer.
Signs of clothes moth activity is indicated by the presence of damaged material, cast larval skins and sand-like larval droppings.
Ticks are parasites that feed on animal and human blood, problems can be especially concerning when around pets because they can be fatal.
Silverfish are nocturnal insects, they avoid light and can be found living anywhere in the home, usually close to their food source.
There are many different kinds of flies. We can help remove and prevent/minimise the company of many of them.
Australia’s most effective and enduring termite protection system starts from day one, at the building’s foundations.
FMC's HomeGuard Precision Termite Management System is more than a physical barrier that keeps termites out. It is also scientifically proven to repel and kill termites that come too close... today, tomorrow and for the lifetime of your building. In fact, HomeGuard is so effective, it is included among FMC’s exclusive range of termite management solutions, which are covered by the industry’s only Million Dollar Manufacturer’s Warranty.
And the best news is, while it may be deadly to termites, HomeGuard is safe for your family, pets and the environment. This makes HomeGuard the preferred choice for many of Australia’s leading builders.
You’ll be pleased you built with HomeGuard too.
We wish Peter Millerd all the best in his retirement. The company is now owned as a Father & Son Team. New and exciting things for the business with Trevor & Lance Martin heading the front.
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